Video Game Sales Contest Ideas: Press F to Pay Respects

Adam Steele

Jul 5, 2023

We all know that an engaged and motivated sales team is one of the keys to hitting targets. But how can you keep the adrenaline running high without resorting to the same old carrot-and-stick approach? Enter the world of gamifying sales contests with video game concepts.

It’s no secret that video games have the power to captivate and engage people for hours. Their intricately woven challenges, progression systems, and rewards have a magic of their own. Drawing from this, sales contests that borrow elements from video games could be just the power up that invigorates your sales force. The importance of employee engagement and motivation in sales cannot be overstated; it’s the backbone that holds everything together. 

This article will explore four video game sales contest ideas that can be game-changers for your sales team. From skill trees to head-to-head battles, we’ll discuss how you can implement these concepts and the behavioral psychology behind why they work. So, buckle up and prepare to take your sales team performance to new heights!

Video Game Sales Contest Idea: The Last of Us Inspired Skill Trees

Learning from The Last of Us: Skill Trees

Have you ever played the video game, "The Last of Us"? Among the various features that make this game engaging, one stands out for our purpose - the skill tree. A skill tree is a hierarchical visual representation of customizations a player can make to their character. As the game progresses, players can unlock more skills and abilities, creating a sense of continuous development and progression. The possibility of unlocking new skills motivates players to push forward, making the gameplay even more immersive.

Applying Skill Trees to Sales Contests

Now, consider applying this concept to your sales team. Create a system where sales representatives unlock new sales skills or abilities as they reach specific milestones or targets. For example, when a sales representative reaches their first sales target, they could unlock a training session on advanced negotiation tactics. A more significant achievement might unlock a one-on-one mentoring session with a senior sales executive.

This system is not merely about unlocking rewards but represents a journey of professional growth and development. Your sales representatives aren't just competing for a one-time reward; they're investing in their own professional development. They're not just unlocking skills; they're shaping their career progression.

The Psychological Benefits of Continuous Progress

But why would a skill tree system work in a sales contest? The answer lies in the realm of behavioral psychology, particularly the Self-Determination Theory. This theory suggests that people are motivated by a need for competence, relatedness, and autonomy. A skill tree system taps into these needs, particularly competence and autonomy. Sales representatives can see a clear pathway of skill development (competence) and have some control over their professional growth (autonomy).

Moreover, witnessing one's own progression in the form of a skill tree could reinforce a sales representative's intrinsic motivation, making them strive harder. The game becomes not just about selling, but about becoming better, about mastery. And that, in the long run, creates not only a successful sales team but successful individuals.

There's no doubt that video game inspired sales contests can be quite impactful. And it's not just about individual progression, as we've seen with our skill tree system. In the following section, we're taking a sharp turn towards competitive multiplayer games, with a focus on the iconic 1v1 mode from Halo. Let's dive into the dynamics of head-to-head competition and what it could bring to the table.

Video Game Themed Sales Contests: Halo’s Head-to-Head Battle Mode

Entering the Halo Universe: The Thrill of 1v1 Battles

Imagine this: you’re locked in a tense duel in the virtual battlegrounds of "Halo," one of the most legendary first-person shooter games. It’s just you and your opponent, both equally matched. The adrenaline rush, the strategic maneuvers, and ultimately, the sweet taste of victory. This is the essence of Halo’s 1v1 multiplayer mode, where players go head-to-head in exhilarating battles.

Duel of the Sales Titans: A Head-to-Head Sales Contest

What if we bring the excitement of Halo's 1v1 battles into the sales domain? Imagine setting up a sales contest where representatives duel against each other in weekly or monthly sales battles. Each representative is matched with a peer, and they vie to outperform each other in sales numbers.

Wins and losses can be recorded over a period, and a leaderboard can be maintained. It’s not just about that one battle; it’s about continuous engagement, and possibly, redemption. Can you feel the intensity?

Tapping into the Competitive Spirit

The natural competitive spirit that we humans possess can be an incredibly potent motivator. The head-to-head sales contest can become a crucible where sales representatives hone their skills. They aren't just selling; they're fighting for pride, for recognition. And while they do so, their skills sharpen, much like a warrior's.

But there’s an essential aspect to consider. The competition must be healthy. The head-to-head battles, while intense, must foster respect and camaraderie. The focus should be on self-improvement and mutual growth, rather than just vanquishing the opponent.

Recognition Through Leaderboards: Striking the Balance

Leaderboards can be a double-edged sword. While they can motivate high-performers by providing them with recognition, they can also discourage those who find themselves always at the bottom. The key is to find a balance.

One approach is to maintain not just one, but multiple leaderboards based on different criteria - not just sales numbers. For instance, one could be based on customer feedback, another on the most improved, etc. This way, even those who might not necessarily be the highest sellers have a shot at recognition.

With the energetic vibes of head-to-head contests in our grasp, let’s shift our focus to another angle. What if, instead of duels, we build squads? What if we combine the forces and drive towards common goals, much like Fortnite’s Squad mode? Buckle up as we enter a realm of collaboration and team spirit in the next section.

Boost Collaboration with Fortnite’s Squad Mode Inspired Sales Contest

Marching as One in Fortnite’s Squad Mode

Picture this: the thrilling world of Fortnite where players gather their friends to form squads. In Squad mode, groups of players work in unison, devising strategies, sharing resources, and watching each other’s backs to secure victory against other squads. It’s camaraderie, and collective ingenuity at its finest.

Squads in Sales: The Collective Quest

What if sales representatives formed their squads? Imagine creating a sales contest where representatives join forces as part of small teams. Each team has its own set of targets, and every member contributes towards achieving them. The squads that perform best could win rewards, not just for individuals, but for the whole team. This drives collective responsibility and the understanding that success is sweeter when it’s shared.

Social Learning Theory: The Backbone of Team Dynamics

Why are squads so effective? Here’s where Social Learning Theory rolls in. According to this theory, people learn and grow through observation, imitation, and modeling the behavior and values of others. In a sales squad, each member can observe and learn from the skills and techniques of their teammates. It’s a cauldron of shared knowledge, experiences, and strategies.

Moreover, a sense of belonging to a group can also boost morale and foster a more positive work environment. When you’re not just a solo player, but part of a squad, your triumphs and challenges are shared. There’s a safety net, and a collective wisdom to rely upon.

It is clear that the beauty of squads is not just a fantasy in the virtual realms of Fortnite. It can be a powerful tool in sales, unifying the energies of individuals into a potent force. With squads, the whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts.

Speaking of elevating perspectives, how about we scale new heights? Imagine climbing atop a tower, watching the horizon expand as you ascend. This is the thrill of Assassin's Creed Synchronization Points. Let's synchronize our focus on new horizons and a broader perspective in the next section.

Climb the Sales Ladder with Assassin’s Creed Synchronization Points

Gaining a Vantage Point in Assassin’s Creed

Imagine standing atop a towering structure as Ezio in Assassin’s Creed. With every synchronization point that Ezio reaches, players are rewarded with an expanding view of the game’s map. This isn’t just eye-candy, it’s a tactical advantage. The expanded view offers players insights into new areas, objectives, and opportunities. It’s all about clarity, foresight, and purpose.

Sales Synchronization: Unlocking Career Perspectives

Now, let’s swing from the virtual rooftops to the sales floor. Imagine a sales contest where representatives scale heights by achieving targets. With every target achieved, they ‘synchronize’ and unlock new levels in their career path. Each level gives them a broader perspective - it could be insights into different product lines, markets, or even aspects of company strategy. Suddenly, they’re not just selling; they’re becoming architects of their career.

Future Orientation: Eyes on the Prize

Why is this broadening perspective essential? It's in our psyche. Future Orientation is a psychological concept that reflects the extent to which an individual considers the potential future consequences of their current behavior. When sales reps see how today’s achievements unlock tomorrow’s possibilities, there’s a surge in motivation. They’re not just clocking in and out; they’re building a vision and purpose.

Is there a better example than the story of Howard Schultz? Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, started as a salesperson. He saw the potential in selling not just products but experiences. Through his vision and drive, he scaled the heights, and Starbucks is now synonymous with coffee. It’s not just about coffee; it’s a testament to what vision and purpose can brew.

Goals as Synchronization Points: Clarity and Purpose

Now, let’s stitch this together. Sales contests should not just be about numbers. They should be like the synchronization points in Assassin’s Creed – uncovering new landscapes and possibilities. Goals can provide clarity and purpose to a sales rep's career. They are the towers they must climb, and with each summit, they should find new horizons and opportunities.

This ascent isn’t just for them. It benefits the organization. When sales representatives are synchronized with a vision, purpose, and clarity, their drive and ingenuity will know no bounds. They will not just be a workforce; they will be a force that propels the organization to new heights.

Final Thoughts

Video game-themed sales contests can be a game-changer for boosting performance. Companies should seize the moment to adapt and combine these elements to keep their sales team not just engaged, but enlivened. By treating sales contests not as mere numbers but as quests, races, collaborations, and journeys, companies will find that their sales teams are not just employees - they are heroes on an epic journey. This adaptive and creative approach to sales contests can create a symbiotic relationship where individual growth is intertwined with organizational success.

In the words of the legendary basketball coach, Chuck Daly, who led the “Dream Team” to Olympic gold in 1992: “You don’t have to be the biggest, the strongest, or the most talented. But if you have the will to prepare and compete, you can accomplish anything.” May this echo in the halls of every sales team embarking on their journeys.

Outfield is pioneering sales gamification software to power CRM or any tech stack. Learn how our modern approach boosts output up to 3x.


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